What is Reiki?


The name Reiki comes from the Japanese word Rei meaning “Universal Life” and Ki which means “Energy." Reiki is a healing modality based on the principle that the practitioner has the ability to channel this “Universal Life Energy” and pass it onto the client by way of touch. This process activates the body’s natural healing abilities and helps restore physical and emotional well-being. The healing power of Reiki can reduce pain, anxiety, depression, heart rate, blood pressure, and susceptibility to disease.

Reiki has no affiliation with any religion or religious practices. It doesn’t infringe on personal beliefs or values. People from all walks of life can benefit from the loving energy of Reiki.

Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.

What to expect

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During a Reiki session the client will lie down, fully clothed and listen high frequency binaural beats (headphones preferred). While the client is relaxing, the practitioner will hover their hands over the client’s energy body, passing Universal Life Force energies through their palms and onto the client. The timing of a session can vary from 15 to 90 minutes.

Results may vary from person to person. Most people who experience Reiki will feel refreshed, relaxed and uplifted.

To get the most from your session, please drink lots of water before and after your appointment. Water is a natural energy conductor and helps to increase the speed of the energy flow through your energy bodies (spiritual, mental & physical). Which aids in clearing blockages within the chakra system.

*Please note: Only remote sessions via video chat are offered at this time. Remote sessions can be local (U.S.) or international.

When you make the choice to Heal … Shift Happens!


“I honestly feel like I’m in a new space mentally, spiritually, and emotionally thanks to the reiki sessions!” - Marsha B.


I’d love to help you Transform your life through the Power of Reiki.